Learn to Lead Differently!
Get instant access to download this complimentary guide to help you Think, Dream and Lead Differently!

Corporations & Non-Profits

Through genuine resilience Dr. Isaac Butler inspires and equips emerging leaders to fulfill their potential and live a life of significance.

As a prominent corporate leader Dr. Butler was known as an influential role model who led teams that willingly gave more than required, directly contributed to the company’s highest priorities, and embodied a culture of high engagement and continuous improvement.  Starting as an intern, Dr. Butler was promoted four times over his 10 year corporate career producing exceptional results in client sales & account management, product development, and contract strategy and execution.

Organizations continuously depend on Dr. Butler’s experience and natural ability to speak and facilitate workshops that help employees maximize their capabilities and expand their capacity to lead. Here is a list of some of his presentation and workshops. 

3 Month Class, 2 Day Workshop or Keynote

TITLE: Be Exceptional on Purpose: Add Intentional Value to Bottom Line Business Results

Maximize your capabilities and expand your capacity to lead.

Do you desire an engaged team that voluntarily gives their maximum effort and energy? An organization enabled to contribute high value to business results?

This course will inspire and equip leaders to Think, Dream and Lead Differently. Upon completion, leaders will know how to create an exceptional culture that fosters trust, continuous improvement and alignment toward achieving the organizations’ highest priorities.

  1. A new mindset and perspective that will expand your leadership capabilities
  2. Start leveraging strengths and skill-set to ensure consistent positive results
  3. Create a leadership tool-set for personal and employee growth
Think Differently
  • How to embrace and thrive with increasing levels of responsibility, and challenges, opportunities.
  • The principles of Self-Efficacy and the need to believe in your ability to succeed
  • How to not make excuses but only make adjustments
Dream Differently:
  • How to align goals with talents and skills to maximize productivity and job satisfaction for all team members.
  • Strengthfinder assessment and application
  • SMART goals for each person that leverages their strengths
Lead Differently:
  • How to develop systems for constant personal and team development, time management and continuous employee feedback
  • Personal development framework that focuses on brand persona, product, package, promotion and permission
  • Time Management: setting daily priorities, email management, hosting effective meetings
  • Directors, managers and emerging leaders seeking personal development and ways to improve business results by engaging and enabling high performance throughout their department, division or organization.

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